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Oh No! Do You Have An Abscessed Tooth?

What to do with an abscessed tooth
Is your tooth in pain? How to know if it is an Abscessed Tooth or and when to call your dentist!

What is Dental Abscess?

An abscess tooth is an infection in the chamber of the tooth, also known as the pulp of the tooth, that runs through the root and out the bottom end. This infection can then spread to the jaw bone resulting in sickness and possible tooth loss if not treated.

How does tooth abscess occur?

When tooth decay starts, forming a cavity, it can reach the pulp of the tooth and run through to the bottom of the root. Cracked teeth can also spark the beginning of abscess through the same process. Bacteria now have an express route to the inner chamber.

What are the symptoms and signs of tooth abscess?

Some of the symptoms of tooth abscess are the following:

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is best to call your dentist right away for an over the phone diagnosis which may result in an emergency dental visit.

Tooth Abscess Treatment

If an emergency dental visit is necessary, your dentist will treat the abscess by removing the tooth decay and may perform a root canal to flush the infected pulp. Depending on the severity of the abscess, the tooth may need a dental crown or need to be removed entirely.

How to Prevent Tooth Abscess

By contacting your dentist when you have a toothache, pain when biting or chewing, or jaw swelling and throbbing they may be able to diagnose the issue right away and prevent abscess from occurring. Going to the dentist for regular teeth cleanings, most cavities and tooth decay will be stopped in their tracks greatly improving the chances of not contracting tooth abscess.

Call us today to make an appointment for a check up!