Common Dental Problems to Look Out For
While yearly visits to a dental professional are important for maintaining a healthy mouth and diagnosing potential problems, some of the most common dental complaints should be evaluated immediately.
Tooth Pain
Any form of jolting tooth pain is typically a tell-tale sign of tooth decay (cavities). Cavities occur when our bodies convert sugar from the foods we eat into acid. Over time, too much of this acid begins to make holes in our teeth. Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid cavities is to follow a diet low in sugar and brush regularly.
Stained Teeth
While yellow teeth may not be a sign of a health crisis, they can still be unattractive and lead to future problems. Coffee, tea, and wine are the most common culprits for stained teeth, and antibiotics like tetracycline can also cause a yellowish tint. Whitening strips and professional whitening treatments can eliminate this condition and revitalize your smile.
Red or Bleeding Gums
While changes in the gums can happen from hormonal changes during pregnancy, the most common reason is built up bacteria. Although diligently brushing and flossing should effectively improve these problems, professional help will be needed if symptoms last longer than a week.
Loose or Crooked Teeth
If you notice that one or more of your teeth have suddenly become loose or changed position, something’s definitely not right. This should not be taken lightly, as it could be a precursor to periodontal disease from a lack of oral hygiene and a buildup of plaque. If poor dental habits are continued, periodontal disease will likely spread to the gums and create a much worse problem.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Emil Hawary at the Art of Dentistry Institute, feel free to call 949-955-3366 or fill out our online consultation form today. Dr. Hawary and his experienced staff look forward to seeing you soon!