Is it Possible to Complete Dental Implants in One Day?
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Is it Possible to Complete Dental Implants in One Day?. Family and Cosmetic Dentist Irvine.

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Is it Possible to Complete Dental Implants in One Day?

Is it Possible to Complete Dental Implants in One Day?

Yes it is possible for dental implants to be placed in a single day!

This procedure is known as same-day or teeth-in-a-day treatment. The implant procedure involves placing the implant into the jawbone and attaching a temporary tooth or bridge to the implant on the same day. This dental implant approach is typically used for patients that have enough healthy jawbone to help support the dental implant as well as those who do not require a bone graft. Not all dental implant candidates are suitable for same-day treatment and it is best to consult with a dental professional to determine if this option is the right choice for you.
Dental Implant in a Day Diagram

What does a Same-Day Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure consist of?

A same-day or teeth-in-a-day full mouth dental implant procedure will typically consist of several steps:

  • Initial consultation: A dental professional will examine your mouth, including taking X-rays and making impressions of your teeth to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the dental implant procedure.
  • Preparation: On the day of your implant procedure the dentist will numb the area around your mouth and prep the jawbone for the dental implant placement.
  • Implant placement: The dentist will then place the implant directly into the jawbone. Depending on the type of implant system chosen for you the implant may be left to heal for before the next step in the procedure.
  • Attaching the temporary tooth or bridge: Once the dental implant has been placed the dentist will then attach a temporary tooth or bridge to your implant. This will help to allow you to eat and speak naturally while your implant heals helps it to integrate with your jawbone.
  • Final restoration: After the implant has been fully integrated with your jawbone, usually after a few months, the dentist will remove the temporary tooth or bridge and replace it with a permanent restoration such as a bridge or denture.

The procedure can vary depending on the patient, some patients may need bone grafts or sinus lifts before the implant placement, this can cause the healing period to be longer. The procedure may also take multiple appointments, and the temporary tooth may need to be replaced before the final restoration is completed. It is best to consult with a dental professional to determine what best course of action is for your needs.

Can You Receive Your New Permanent Teeth the Same Day as Your Surgery?

Yes! It is possible to receive your new permanent teeth the same day as your implant surgery but it depends on the patient and the type of implant system your dentist used. Some implant systems are designed to allow for immediate loading, this allows the implant and the final restoration to be placed on the same day! Please note that immediate loading of an implant is not suitable for every patient and it is important to have a thorough examination and evaluation by a dental professional to determine this is the right option is right for you.

Other implant systems can require a healing period before the final restoration is completed which can typically last a few months, this helps to ensure the implant is fully integrated with your jawbone before the final restoration is placed by your dental professional.

In some cases even when the implant is placed and loaded immediately the final restoration may not be permanent, but a temporary one that will be replaced by the final one after a few months or after the implant is fully integrated.

It is always best to consult with a dental professional to determine what a dental implant procedure will entail for you and whether a same-day or teeth-in-a-day full mouth dental implant procedure is right for you.

To find out if you are a candidate for dental implants in contact us at 949-955-3366 to schedule a consultation. We specialize in Irvine Dental Implants as well as Newport Beach Dental Implants and we look forward to hearing from you!

Multiple Award Winning Dentist in cosmetic dentistry

Art of Dentistry Institute
2646 Dupont Dr., Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: 949-955-3366
Fax: 949-955-3377

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